Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Funny TSA Parody Song: Help You Make It To Your Flight

If you want to get on an airplane in America today, you either have to let gawking TSA agents look at your exposed body using the new full body security scanners, or you have to let TSA agents grope and feel up every inch of your body.  Yes, including "those" parts.  Fortunately, many Americans are speaking out about this outrage.  Some Americans are even using comedy and humor to fight back.  For example, the video posted below is incredibly funny stuff but it also makes some very serious points.  The video was produced by Buck Howdy and it is entitled "Help You Make It To Your Flight".  It is a takeoff on Kris Kristofferson's classic hit "Help Me Make It Through The Night".  Howdy's "revised lyrics" are so hilarious that more than a half million people have watched it so far on YouTube.

If you have not seen this yet, you have got to check it out....

The full lyrics of "Help You Make it to Your Flight" are posted below....

Take the ribbon from your hair
Shake it loose and let it fall
Leave your shoes right over there
Now get up against the wall

I'll run my hands inside your thighs
Up your legs and out of sight!
But you can trust the TSA
To help you make it to your flight

We don't profile that'd be wrong
Just ask the ACLU
We'd rather check your nooks and crannies
Every inch of you

Got no life except my job
But I don't mind it's all right
I get to grope you legally
If you want to take a flight

This badge and uniform we wear
Might look like a rent a cop
But your life is in our hands
We like it that way, especially if you're hot

Awful lonely being me
No girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife
So let me squeeze you, oooh, right there
If you want to take a flight

You can trust the TSA
You'll be in our dreams tonight

It is good to see the American people standing up like this.  We should not have to be sexually groped before we get on an airplane.

If you want to send a message that you do not like to be groped by TSA agents or anyone else, then we would encourage you to check out the new line of "Don't Touch My Junk" clothing available on

In addition, to keep up with the latest on this scandal along with all of the other news of the day we encourage you to check out some of our other websites....


*End Of The World

*Mysteries Of The World

*The Debt
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